
From chancellors to regents, 正规欧洲杯买球网站的许多高层领导都是家里第一个获得大学学位的人.

Cindy Larive

Cynthia Larive

Chancellor, UC Santa Cruz
My backstory

I grew up in the legendary frontier town of Deadwood, South Dakota. 我的父亲是当地金矿的铸造工人,而我的母亲是一名秘书. 我的父亲在三年级后离开了学校,我的母亲完成了高中学业,但渴望有机会上大学. 我们都非常努力地工作,以维持我们的家庭在我们的小农场的生存, and I was excited to get my first paying job at age 14.

What motivated me to go to college

My parents never went to college, 但他们明白教育的价值,认为大学是我通往更好生活的途径. They noticed my early interest in science and encouraged me. Their support, and a chance encounter with a working scientist when I was in high school, truly changed the trajectory of my life.

What I would tell my freshman self

Don’t doubt yourself, work hard and ask for help when you need it. 你可能会从事一个你甚至无法想象的职业,所以追求你感兴趣的科目, 但也要对学习和体验新事物的机会持开放态度,以扩大你的知识和兴趣.

How my background helped me

Hard work was a constant among everyone in my family growing up, and that’s been a huge help throughout my career. My own journey has also taught me the value of opportunity, knowing that universities are places of transformation, especially for first-generation students like myself. Given opportunity and support, people can accomplish incredible things.

The best thing about my college experience

Chemistry drew me to college, and I was thrilled to pursue my interest in science, but college also provided me with a wider perspective on the world. 我遇到了各种各样令人着迷的人,他们的背景与我的截然不同,他们的职业是我从来不知道的. 这让我看到了存在的巨大机会,以及高等教育帮助人们创造光明未来的能力.

Gene Block

Gene Block

Chancellor, UCLA
My backstory

我在纽约州中部的 长大,那里被称为“罗宋汤带”——一个度假小镇的集合,迎合了夏天从纽约来的游客. 我父亲拥有一家乳品分销公司,向该地区的夏令营和度假酒店销售乳制品. From the time I was young I worked for the dairy, 无论是在店里(我的第一份工作是给鸡蛋涂蜡烛),还是后来开送货卡车. 

What motivated me to go to college

我是一个有点不成熟的学生,对学校的很多东西都不感兴趣……但我确实喜欢科学和科学展览, and I wanted to see if I could turn that passion into a career. My older brother was out in California, 他跟我说他有机会去上社区大学, if one did well, transfer to an excellent California university. 所以我来到了旧金山湾区,去了Foothill学院,最后转到了斯坦福大学.

What I would tell my freshman self

我会告诉自己,如果你走的道路不太对,你可以改变生活的方向. I have had numerous transitions in my career – changing majors in college, 在研究生院改变了学科,在后来的职业生涯中从教授变成了行政人员. 我总是担心这些转变,但这些类型的“重置”帮助我找到了对我重要的事情.

How my background helped me

我认为,不要觉得自己只是在努力实现父母已经取得的成就,这是有好处的. 这是一种家庭开辟新天地的感觉,我认为这是一种力量. 当然,一个人在这个过程中得到的帮助会更少,但我认为这段旅程会更有意义.

The best thing about my college experience

我最喜欢的经历是作为一个本科生在一个研究实验室工作的机会. 我对早期关于记忆如何储存在大脑中的理论特别感兴趣,并对其中一些理论进行了独立研究.

Howard Gillman


Howard Gillman

Chancellor, UC Irvine
My backstory

我是在北好莱坞/太阳谷长大的独生女,父母在艰难时期努力工作. 15岁时,我开始了我的第一份真正的工作,有老板,有薪水.

What motivated me to go to college

Education was deeply valued in our home. 虽然我的父母从未上过大学,但我一直明白,他们是在努力给我这个机会——到我申请的时候,我很兴奋有机会学习.A., M.A., Ph.D., Political Science, UCLA).

What I would tell my freshman self

不要对自己太苛刻——挫折是不可避免的,但你会挺过来的. It goes by so fast so appreciate it while it's happening.

How my background helped me


The best thing about my college experience


Kim A. Wilcox


Kim A. Wilcox

Chancellor, UC Riverside
My backstory

I grew up in a small town in Michigan, and as early as I can remember, going to college was always assumed. 我父母对大学教育的深刻理解来自于两种截然不同的经历. 我母亲是高中毕业典礼上的代表,但毕业后却没钱上大学. My father dropped out of school in the sixth grade, but realizing the importance of further education, went back and got his high school diploma many years later.

What motivated me to go to college


What I would tell my freshman self

You’re not the only one feeling uncertain and self-conscious. Regardless of their background, nearly everyone else, even those who seem much more sophisticated and self-confident, are also feeling insecure and are wondering how best to fit in.

How my background helped me

它使我在课堂上和各种工作中都能努力学习. I worked year-round all the time I was in school. Since my parents hadn’t had the opportunity to attend college, 一路上的每一项成就都是庆祝的理由:因为获得了录取, to graduation, to going on to master’s and doctoral programs. 对我的一些朋友来说,期望的教育路线是什么,而对我和我的家人来说,这是一件重要的事情. That sense of accomplishment helped to support my ambitions.

The best thing about my college experience

Beyond the friends and mentors I gained, it was acquiring even a simple appreciation for the size of the world. 上大学让我接触到了一个学习的世界,如果我呆在家乡,我永远也体会不到这一点. 我记得当我还是一名大一新生的时候,我走在密歇根州立大学的校园里,惊讶地发现不仅有一整栋楼都是专门用于化学的, but an entirely different building dedicated to biochemistry! 有无限的知识宇宙等着我去学习,这种感觉伴随了我一生.