
的 University of California is crucial to our state. We enhance lives and drive economic growth through education, Research, 卫生保健, and agricultural expertise.



UC propels significant economic growth, plays a crucial role in employment, 并且为州和联邦的收入流做出了重要的税收贡献.

Helping California prosper

3rd largest employer in California
12 billion dollars generated in federal, state, and local taxes
82 billion dollars generated in economic activity per year

伯克利实验室和 UC 默塞德正在努力在圣华金河谷建立生物工业制造业.

“我们的农业中心地带正是在生物经济中推出和推广有利于工人的创新解决方案的地方, 社区, and our food system while advancing 国家’s climate priorities.”


高级顾问, 加州州长商业和经济发展办公室的商业发展部



Cultivating California’s exceptional talent

UC drives educational progress in California, shaping doctoral education, leading in health professional training, empowering teachers, fostering esteemed faculty, 和培养 阀杆 毕业生.

Creating tomorrow’s leaders

75% of California public schools have UC-educated teachers

60% 加州的 Ph.D.S来自 UC

50% of California's medical students are trained by UC

50% of 国家’s 阀杆 bachelor 学位s are from UC


Opening doors for students across all income levels

A UC 学位 opens our students to a lifetime of opportunity. And with one of the best financial aid programs anywhere, we make sure those opportunities are open to everyone.

Ensuring cost is never a barrier

54% of CA undergrads pay no tuition

A smiling 书7:18维拉斯 in graduation attire

“因为有了这些机会,我才能够去上学,也负担得起学费. 我毕业时不会负债,这是我从未想过的.”


UC 河畔 Class of 2023



UC 招收的低收入、第一代和转学生比其他任何名校都多 US Research university.

UC 本科生

  • 83.4% are from California

  • 34% are from low-income families

  • 37% are first-generation college students

  • 27% are 社区 college transfers


Graduating students at much higher rates than the national average

Transfer students

89% University of California

55% 在全国范围内


86% University of California

62% 在全国范围内


Propelling transfer students to rise as top earners

Within a decade of completing their UC 学位, 大多数在加州工作的社区大学转学生都在该州收入最高的三分之一之列.

Transforming lives through education

First-gen students lead the way in the Class of 2023

“我在这里的经历最让我惊讶的是一切都是那么顺利,” laughs 书7:18维拉斯, looking back on his two years at UC 河畔. Velásquez在加州帝王谷的沙漠小城布劳利长大, just south of the Salton Sea. “在墨西哥,我的父母都没有完成相当于中学的学业. So when they immigrated to the United States, they instilled in me the importance of getting an education.”

对于Velásquez来说,高等教育是她从小的首要目标. He began at his local 社区 college, 他的目标是最终转学到一所大学,读研. “作为第一代和低收入家庭,我在成长过程中遇到了很多障碍, the COVID pandemic,Velásquez说. “从那里走出来,来到这里——我非常幸运地拥有了所有的机会.”

当Velásquez参加Kim Yi Dionne的种族政治比较视角课程时, he not only loved the class, but also found a mentor in professor Dionne. 在季度末,她邀请他加入迪翁公共参与Research实验室. 实验室带来了更多的机会——在同行评议的学术期刊上发表论文, 例如,与其他第一代的支持社区一起, low-income and minority students.

Velásquez喜欢打电话给支持他的家庭、教师和学生 UC 河畔 “my little village.“这个网络的支持不仅对课堂导航很有帮助, financial aid and Research opportunities, but also in dealing with transfer shock and impostor syndrome, 第一代学生和转学生通常经历哪些. “我非常幸运能说这些,但现在我实际上是在指导其他孩子,”他反思道. “我给即将入学的转学生做报告,指导他们完成整个过程. Giving back what you received — it’s awesome.”

在Dionne教授的鼓励下,Velásquez申请了Research生院. This fall, he’ll start work on a Ph.D. 在正规欧洲杯买球网站洛杉矶分校,他获得了著名的尤金V. Cota-Robles奖学金,并入选竞争优势夏季桥梁项目, 为来自弱势背景的新入学博士生提供为期六周的强化课程. 他计划Research全球资源开采行业如何影响当地社区, like the lithium “gold rush” unfolding near his hometown. 多亏了正规欧洲杯买球网站为低收入家庭学生提供的慷慨的经济援助, he’ll be starting his new journey debt-free. 他的终极目标是:成为一名教授,像别人帮助他一样帮助其他学生.



Making discoveries that change the world

UC我们的Research事业促进了对世界的了解,改善了生活, from curing diseases to developing new sources of clean energy.

Advancing a better future

4 inventions per day
$6B spent on Research in 2022
13,702 patents created, more than any other university


Improving the health and well-being of all Californians

UC is an essential part 加州的 卫生保健 safety net.

1000万年 门诊访问



Patient days by coverage type

36% 加州医保

36% 医疗保险


Developing cutting-edge medical advances each year

Delivering top-rated care

4,700 临床试验


通过 UC 主要的, UC 培训新一代的医生致力于在该州服务不足的地区工作吗.


Janae Chatmon

2023届的同学们, 正规欧洲杯买球网站洛杉矶分校 David Geffen School of Medicine, UC ' -LA: 领导 and advocacy for medically undeserved 社区

Jaena Chatmon with her aunt and father


Empowering 社区 statewide

UC is in 社区 across 国家, offering practical Research, hands-on training and 社区 education:

  • Expertise for every county: 正规欧洲杯买球网站农业和自然资源部支持全州的牧场主、农民和种植者.
  • Community education at its best: 园艺师、加州博物学家和4-H青年发展计划帮助加州人茁壮成长.

Helping every California 社区

Two students pet a cow held in a squeeze machine
A student tends to a tall stalk of sunflowers
两名妇女穿着橙色围裙,上面写着“健康的孩子——我教营养学”。. One holds an orange folder open.

Climate leadership

Meeting our greatest challenges with real-world solutions

Across our campuses, 数百名Research人员正在努力帮助加州和世界摆脱化石燃料,并开发可扩展的干旱解决方案, wildfire and the other catastrophic impacts of a warming planet.

Building a resilient California

80 million dollars 在国家资助的气候行动赠款中,帮助社区制定可扩展的气候解决方案
100% of UC's purchased electricity will be carbon-free by 2025
25% 减少 UC’s greenhouse gas emissions since 2009

正规欧洲杯买球网站洛杉矶分校 Research人员开发了一种突破性的电化学过程,可以通过从世界海洋中去除二氧化碳来缓解气候变化.

“Ocean water contains 150 times more carbon dioxide than the air, 这意味着如果你想从大气中去除二氧化碳,最有效的方法之一就是从海洋中去除二氧化碳.”


主任 正规欧洲杯买球网站洛杉矶分校 Institute for Carbon Management


站在 UC

UC Advocacy Network is a powerful force that is more than 50,000 voices strong, fighting for the issues that matter most to our UC 社区.

Join us and we can shape the way things work for people in UC, California and beyond.