University of California President Michael V. Drake, M.D., announces appointment of new UC Berkeley chancellor

University of California President Michael V. Drake, M.D., announced today (Wednesday, April 10, 2024) the selection of Richard K. Lyons, 正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校哈斯商学院前院长,现任副校长兼首席创新与创业官, to become UC Berkeley’s next chancellor. 莱昂斯将于2024年7月1日上任,届时现任财政大臣卡罗尔·克里斯特将卸任.

Richard K. Lyons. Courtesy photo.

正规欧洲杯买球网站董事会今天在正规欧洲杯买球网站洛杉矶分校举行的一次特别会议上批准了这一任命. 这项任命是在广泛的全国搜索之后进行的,涉及各种校园利益相关者, including representatives of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and Regents.

“As the world’s preeminent public research university, 正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校需要并且值得拥有一位大胆而有远见的领导者,他对高等教育有着坚定的承诺,并致力于维护正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校的学术和研究实力. 我们很高兴任命理查德·莱昂斯为下一任校长,”校长德雷克说. “里奇是正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校的校友,也是一位受人尊敬的学术领袖,他带来了深厚的校园和社区关系,并在为有影响力的项目和倡议获得支持方面有着良好的记录.”

“I am humbled and thrilled to become UC Berkeley’s next chancellor, following the remarkable leadership of Chancellor Christ. Berkeley is one-of-a-kind, 我将努力尊重它的传统和历史,同时引导校园进入下一个篇章,扩大它的影响力,” said Lyons. “Together with the campus community, 我们将以伯克利独特的价值观和卓越为基础,确保它继续成为最优秀学生的首选校园, staff, and faculty alike.”

Lyons自2020年以来一直在正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校研究副校长办公室(VCRO)担任现任职务, 他在哪里监督整个校园创新和创业生态系统的发展, including patenting and technology licensing. In 2023, 他还被德雷克总统任命为新的总统创业委员会主席. 里昂一直致力于保持整个大学的强大,并理解艺术和人文学科的根本重要性.

里昂是正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校哈斯商学院的经济学和金融学教授, where he served as dean from 2008 to 2018. As dean, 里昂领导了一项全面的文化倡议,改善了招生和其他关键流程. He also oversaw the development of Connie & Kevin Chou Hall, a new academic building funded entirely by alumni and friends, and secured eight of the 10 largest gifts in the school’s history.

Lyons’ research and teaching are mostly focused on international finance, 尽管他最近的研究探讨了领导者如何推动创新和文化的重要性, equity, and belonging in shaping organizations. He is the author of numerous academic and other publications as well as the book, “The Microstructure Approach to Exchange Rates.”

“Rich is a fantastic choice to lead UC Berkeley for this next chapter. 他将出色的学术记录与在伯克利及其他地方的重要行政领导经验相结合,” said Maximilian Auffhammer, 正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校国际可持续发展教授兼正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校学术委员会主席, 谁是校长遴选咨询委员会的五位教员代表之一. “As an alumnus, faculty member, and former dean, Rich knows and loves this campus in the same way we all do. 我期待着与他共同努力,进一步打造伯克利的学术卓越, global reputation, and access.”

In his years as a UC Berkeley leader, Lyons forged stronger ties with other campus colleges and departments, 重点是建立双学位课程,将商业与STEM领域相结合, including the new Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology program with Berkeley Engineering. 他还曾担任2017-18年正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校战略计划指导委员会联合主席,并于2001-2002年担任伯克利学术参议院分区委员会主席. In 2018, Lyons was awarded the Berkeley Citation, 授予那些对正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校的贡献超出职责范围的个人,他们的成就超过了各自领域的卓越标准. 1998年,里昂还获得了正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校的最高教学荣誉——杰出教学奖.

“I’m delighted with this choice. I’ve observed Rich lead different parts of UC Berkeley over the years, and I share in the excitement that he is known to create,” said Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín. “无论是强化让伯克利如此与众不同的美好价值观,还是为学生们开辟新的途径,让他们看到自己看不到的未来, it adds up to great promise for the university and for campus-city relations. 最重要的是,和我一样,里奇也是一名本科校友,是第一位担任我们校长的人.”

Lyons graduated from UC Berkeley in 1982 with a B.S. 1987年获得麻省理工学院商学学位和博士学位.D in economics. 他和妻子珍(Jen)也是正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)的校友,育有两个孩子,住在伯克利. 在业余时间,里昂喜欢弹吉他,并为伯克利免费诊所做志愿者.

The UC Board of Regents approved Lyons’ annual salary of $946,450, which is equivalent to current Chancellor Christ’s salary plus $220,000 in additional, private funds. UC chancellors are among the lowest paid university leaders when compared with their Association of American Universities (AAU) peers.

“我很高兴里奇·莱昂斯被任命为正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校的第12任校长. Rich has a lifelong commitment to academics, research, and innovation. He has been an excellent teacher, mentor, and leader, and he has a strong record of civic engagement and giving back to the community,” said Richard Leib, Chair of the UC Board of Regents. “UC Berkeley is one of the world's finest educational institutions. 当我们得知克里斯特总理将在七年的卓越服务后卸任, 我们知道,在这个充满挑战的时代,我们需要找到一位合适的领导人来领导这个了不起的机构. I am confident we found the right person in Rich Lyons."

莱昂斯接替了自2017年以来一直领导正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校的校长克里斯特 announced last June that she will step down from the role.

“I am both thrilled and reassured by this excellent choice. In so many ways, Rich embodies Berkeley’s very best attributes, 他对大学的公共使命和价值观的奉献是最强烈的,” said Chancellor Christ. “我相信他将为伯克利的未来带来远见卓识, and deeply respectful of, our past.”

“我非常感谢卡罗尔为正规欧洲杯买球网站所做的奉献,以及她在正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校的一些最伟大的胜利和挑战中起到的模范领导作用,” said President Drake. “Her contributions lay a solid foundation for her successor, and she leaves an indelible mark on this storied institution.”

Download Lyons’ CV here.

Download a full-size photo of Lyons here.

Download a headshot of Lyons here.