
The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), together with the University of California (UC), the California State University (CSU), 和加州社区学院校长办公室(CCCCO)今天(4月9日)宣布,对于那些无法成功完成免费学生援助申请(FAFSA)的加州混合身份家庭的学生,可以选择另一种经济援助申请。. Mixed-status families include a student who is a U.S. citizen with one or more parents without a Social Security Number (SSN). 今天的公告为那些难以完成FAFSA的首次混合身份学生提供了另一种途径,可以为那些无法完成FAFSA的学生申请州和教育机构的经济援助.

In recent weeks, the U.S. 教育部已取得进展,以确保新的在线FAFSA表格对有资格获得联邦财政援助的未来大学生更加精简. However, students from mixed-status families have faced logistical challenges with the new FAFSA application. We encourage students to attempt to complete FASFA first, to ensure that federal aid can be received. Additional instructions for mixed-status families completing the FASFA can be found here: http://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/fafsa-support/contributor-social-security-number. 未来的大学生仍然无法完成FASFA,现在可以完成加州梦想法案申请(CADAA),作为一项短期措施,直到他们能够访问并完成FAFSA,以获得联邦财政援助. 这项共同努力将开放CADAA,作为来自混合身份家庭的首次学生资助申请人的另一种途径,反映了双方共同的承诺,即让所有背景的加州人都能负担得起并获得高等教育.

Completing the FAFSA remains the best way for students to maximize their financial aid. 随着加州继续寻找更多的机会来支持学生和家庭应对FAFSA的后勤挑战, mixed-status students must still complete the FAFSA to access their federal financial aid awards, including Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants, Federal Work-Study, and subsidized federal student loans. The CADAA will only allow students to apply for state and educational institution financial aid.

Students from mixed-status families navigate complex challenges in pursuit of higher education. Many are first-generation college students for whom financial planning and support are essential. Financial aid professionals, advisers and outreach staff from CSAC, UC, CSU, 在接下来的几个月里,社区大学正在努力帮助学生和家庭顺利完成这一过程.

Today’s announcement builds on Governor Newsom’s signing of Assembly Bill 1887, which extends the California priority deadline for state financial aid by a month to May 2. 开放CADAA将允许来自混合身份家庭的学生在新的5月2日截止日期前完成申请,同时为大学决策过程带来急需的确定性和清晰度.

更多关于加州梦想法案的信息,以及来自混合身份家庭的学生如何从周二开始申请国家经济援助, April 9 is available at www.csac.ca.gov/cadaa-msf. Students and families can receive help filling out the FAFSA or CADAA at free in-person Cash for College Workshops, found here http://cash4college.csac.ca.gov/ or Statewide Cash for College Webinars, found here http://www.csac.ca.gov/post/cash-college-workshop-registration, including at events focused on serving mixed-status families.

Governor Gavin Newsom said, “Every Californian deserves access to an affordable high-quality education. 我很感激我们的联邦和州合作伙伴正在不知疲倦地为学生和家庭提供选择.”

California Student Aid Commission Executive Director Marlene L. Garcia said, “确保所有学生都能获得他们有权获得的经济援助是我们工作的核心. We are proud to work with our institutional partners, Governor Newsom, 以及立法领导人,确保受影响的来自混合家庭的学生有一条可行的途径获得财政援助,并在我们的公立学院和大学获得改变人生的机会.”

University of California President Michael V. Drake, M.D., said,正规欧洲杯买球网站一直致力于为所有背景的学生扩大教育机会. 为所有学生提供强有力的经济援助,消除获得这种支持的障碍,是为加州人创造机会的至关重要的步骤. 学校将继续倡导为来自混合家庭的学生提供全面的FAFSA和所有联邦经济援助.”

California State University Chancellor Mildred García, Ed.D., said, “Ensuring that students from all backgrounds have authentic access to an affordable, high-quality degree is at the very core of the California State University mission. 这包括确保学生能够获得他们有权获得的经济援助. 科罗拉多州立大学很高兴参与这一共同努力,以解决混合家庭首次学生目前面临的挑战, 我们鼓励他们首先尝试完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)。. If they are unable to do so, 学生应该在5月2日截止日期之前完成加州梦想法案申请(CADAA),然后在可行的情况下尽快完成FAFSA. The CSU will continue to remain as flexible as possible for these students as we support the U.S. Department of Education in its work toward a permanent solution.”

California Community Colleges Chancellor Sonya Christian, Ph.D., said, “这个临时的解决方案是为了应对最近新FAFSA推出的一些挑战,它将为秋季从社区大学转到四年制学院或大学的学生提供机会和支持。. We are committed to overcoming obstacles to providing student financial aid as the U.S. Department of Education works diligently on a permanent solution, and we are grateful to Gov. Newsom, the Legislature, 学生援助委员会(Student Aid Commission)和拜登政府为学生提供获得负担得起的高等教育的公平机会所做的工作. "

Senate President Pro Tempore Mike McGuire (D-North Coast) said, “金州一直坚定不移地致力于确保所有符合条件的学生都能获得经济援助. 这就是让加州变得伟大的原因——我们总是互相帮助,激励下一代. This interim measure is a step forward, 我们将继续坚定地与联邦政府合作,寻求永久的解决方案.”

California Assembly Speaker Assemblymember Robert Rivas (D-Hollister) said, “家庭应该确切地知道,他们可以继续获得国家和机构的援助, in the 2024-25 school year and beyond. As many young Californians struggle with the costs of attending college, 我们将继续与联邦政府合作,确保来自混合家庭的学生能够完成FAFSA,并获得他们有权获得的联邦财政援助.”