
正规欧洲杯买球网站校友职业网络的影响力很大, online series designed to provide UC alumni and community members with the insights, 信息, 以及启动的连接, 发展和扩大你的职业机会.


This volunteer-driven career education series is made possible by generous UC alumni like you. We invite you to participate in a future event or share your suggestions for future topics.

通知我即将举行的网络研讨会      建议一个网络研讨会的主题


无论你是经验丰富的专业人士还是刚刚起步, this session is designed to equip you with essential strategies and insider tips to build meaningful connections, 抓住机遇, 推进你的目标. Learn proven techniques to confidently initiate conversations and make lasting impressions, insider insights on leveraging social platforms and events to expand your network, strategies for nurturing professional relationships and turning connections into opportunities, 和更多的.

在这个互动的网络研讨会上, you’ll discover: • Proven techniques to confidently initiate conversations and make lasting impressions. • Insider insights on leveraging social platforms and events to expand your network.

• Strategies for nurturing professional relationships and turning connections into opportunities.

• Expert advice on overcoming common networking challenges and building authentic rapport.

• Actionable steps to cultivate a robust network that fuels your personal and professional growth. Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize your networking game and unlock a world of possibilities. Reserve your spot now and embark on a journey to network with purpose and impact!

本网络研讨会最初录制于3月13日, 2024, 作为正规欧洲杯买球网站校友职业网络系列网络研讨会的一部分.

由: 朱莉·西娜,正规欧洲杯买球网站洛杉矶分校校友副校长


Aaron Armstrong, 1993年毕业于正规欧洲杯买球网站圣地亚哥分校,Salesforce高级客户主管

Dr. 安妮·德拉·克鲁兹99年,艾德.12级(正规欧洲杯买球网站洛杉矶分校)人力资源总监 & 正规欧洲杯买球网站洛杉矶分校校园人力资源部工资运营中心

欧内斯特·奥乌苏' 11(正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校),老. 销售发展总监,6sense


Join us for an enlightening conversation with UC Alumni who are making a difference in the world of environmental justice. 他们的使命很明确:确保所有人得到公平待遇, 不管他们的背景如何, 在发展中, 执行, 以及遵守环境法律, 规定, 和政策. Acquire insights from these dedicated professionals as they recount their journey into this field and the substantial impact they are creating to foster healthier communities for everyone.

Join us for an enlightening conversation with UC Alumni who are making a difference in the world of environmental justice. 他们的使命很明确:确保所有人得到公平待遇, 不管他们的背景如何, 在发展中, 执行, 以及遵守环境法律, 规定, 和政策. Acquire insights from these dedicated professionals as they recount their journey into this field and the substantial impact they are creating to foster healthier communities for everyone.

本网络研讨会最初录制于5月9日, 作为正规欧洲杯买球网站校友职业网络系列网络研讨会的一部分.


  • Cindy Lin '92, MS '94, 02级博士(UCLA), Co-founder and CEO at Hey 社会 Good; Chair and President of San Diego Environmental Film Festival  


  • jamie Huynh, 15岁, MAS '16(正规欧洲杯买球网站圣地亚哥分校), Environmental Justice Scientific Advisor at California Environmental Justice Alliance

  • Pooja Jhobalia-Pelham '06(正规欧洲杯买球网站河滨分校), Global Responsibility Lead – Food Waste and Hunger Relief Investment at Starbucks

  • Shah Selbe '04 (UC Riverside), Conservation Technologist and Photographer

  • 马里奥·亚伯拉罕Zúñiga '13(正规欧洲杯买球网站圣地亚哥分校), 美国环境保护署环境司法协调员



Join us for an open and authentic conversation with first-generation alumni who will share their personal experiences, 提供建议, and discuss what it truly means to be the first in your family to attend college.

Join us for an open and authentic conversation with first-generation alumni who will share their personal experiences, 提供建议, and discuss what it truly means to be the first in your family to attend college. 本次网络研讨会最初录制于11月8日, 作为正规欧洲杯买球网站校友职业网络系列网络研讨会的一部分.

由: 兰德尔·鲁埃达,正规欧洲杯买球网站默塞德分校,2011年 & UC Davis ’17 健康 Professional, Non-Profit Leader, UC Merced Alumni Association President


Michael Markulim正规欧洲杯买球网站圣地亚哥分校18届

Symone Morales正规欧洲杯买球网站洛杉矶分校16届

Dr. Sam Pak,正规欧洲杯买球网站旧金山分校06和07届的学生


一方面,一方面, “quiet quitting” has been framed as an empowered response to burnout and a bold rejection of hustle culture, 另一方面, as a new term for a long-established workplace behavior: employee disengagement. 本次会议将汇集新兴专业人士, 人力资源领导人, 职业战略家重新定义悄然辞职, offer strategies employees and companies can take to leverage this shift, 探索切实可行的方法来创造更可持续的工作场所.

一方面,一方面, “quiet quitting” has been framed as an empowered response to burnout and a bold rejection of hustle culture, 另一方面, as a new term for a long-established workplace behavior: employee disengagement. Varying definitions and perspectives of this trend among employers and employees have sparked controversy and has inspired our upcoming conversation with UC alumni. 本次会议将汇集新兴专业人士, 人力资源领导人, 职业战略家重新定义悄然辞职, offer strategies employees and companies can take to leverage this shift, 探索切实可行的方法来创造更可持续的工作场所.

主持人: Alison Soberanis,正规欧洲杯买球网站戴维斯分校校友

小组成员: Jaime Viramontes,正规欧洲杯买球网站欧文分校校友


克里斯蒂娜•克. 银行、Ph值.D. 正规欧洲杯买球网站伯克利分校校友



大流行后的专业精神意味着什么? As we return to life post pandemic, etiquette in the workplace has changed. 我应该和他们握手吗? 戴口罩? 订购新名片? 如何使用在线工具建立网络? 从面试到办公室和在线互动. Here tips and tricks for professionals about adapting to our new work environment.

主持:Alfonso Salazar, 毕马威美国高级总监, 正规欧洲杯买球网站指定校友会董事

特色:博士. Tanya Erazo,“解放心理”创始人 & 咨询服务公司. 旧金山大学心理学兼职教授 & John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York (CUNY)



正规欧洲杯买球网站所有校区都在促进社会流动性方面表现突出, but what happens once you join the workforce after growing up in a blue-collar work environment? Our panel of UC alumni will share how they adjusted to a work environment unlike anything they had experienced. 听听他们会给年轻时的自己什么建议.

主持人:Josefina E. Canchola 88, 正规欧洲杯买球网站二级项目主任, Berkeley's Puente Project and President-Elect for the UCR Alumni Association Featuring: Frank Figueroa, Ed.D. 2014年,科切拉市议员 & UC Riverside Financial Operations Manager CNAS Deans Office Cynthia Carter ’06, EPIC项目经理, 圣地亚哥天然气和电力公司的机械工程师


退休一直被视为终极目标, 但是对于55岁以上的人来说, 这仅仅是个开始. 从加入新公司到领导多代人的团队, 55岁以上的专业人士找到了新的学习方法, 为组织做出贡献,创造新的途径. 退休不一定是最终目标, and this event explores what it’s like to rejuvenate your career goals and trajectory.

退休一直被视为终极目标, 但是对于55岁以上的人来说, 这仅仅是个开始. 从加入新公司到领导多代人的团队, 55岁以上的专业人士找到了新的学习方法, 为组织做出贡献,创造新的途径. 退休不一定是最终目标, and this event explores what it’s like to rejuvenate your career goals and trajectory.


UC is recognized as a top employer with outstanding professional careers. If you value a stimulating and diverse work environment and have an interest to contribute to the university’s core missions of public service, 教学与科研, please join us to learn more about the exceptional benefits and career opportunities at UC.

UC is recognized as a top employer with outstanding professional careers. If you value a stimulating and diverse work environment and have an interest to contribute to the university’s core missions of public service, 教学与科研, please join us to learn more about the exceptional benefits and career opportunities at UC.


Meet fellow UC alumni who followed their dreams of starting their own business. Hear their stories of how their personal journeys gave them the resilience to overcome the challenges of a start-up and how their community uplifts and sustains their dreams today. 这是一个鼓舞人心的节目,你不会想错过.

Meet fellow UC alumni who followed their dreams of starting their own business. Hear their stories of how their personal journeys gave them the resilience to overcome the challenges of a start-up and how their community uplifts and sustains their dreams today. 这是一个鼓舞人心的节目,你不会想错过.